design and its aroundings.

illustration by Risa NAKAMURA

Kenji AIHARA (i-ken)

I specializes in creative direction, art direction and graphic design. I am always wandering around design and its aroundings.

Born in Tokyo and raised in Sendai-city, Miyagi-pref. Japan. Graduated from Tohoku University of Art & Design, and completed the graduate course at the same university. Specializing in creative direction and art direction, I supports the activities of various companies and organizations from a creative perspective. In recent years, I have been working on service development (service design). I have also worked on exhibition curation, exhibition organization and design, planning, production and publication of artist books, and artist management.

After serving as Director, Art Director and co-founder of Concent inc. I became President of i-ken inc. and co-chairman of halken LLP, co-chairman of inukkuma! LLP, Producer and co-founder of Q1 inc. and co-owner of the commercial gallery “famAA”. I have also been a part-time lecturer at Musashino Art University (2000-2010), Senshu University (2006-2009), an associate professor at Tohoku University of Art & Design (2014-2023).

Major awards include Good Design Award (winner prize,2022), AMD Award (best director prize,2000), Yamagata Excellent Design (community design prize,2017 / grand prix,2021), Design Grand Prix TOHOKU (grand prix,2011 / encouragement prize,2011), and TOKYO TDC (winning work,2018), SIGCHI (selected,2002), etc.

アイハラケンジ (アイケン)



株式会社コンセント 共同創業者/取締役/アートディレクターを経て、株式会社アイケン代表。halken LLP(ハルケン)共同主宰、inukkuma! LLP(イヌックマ)共同主宰、株式会社Q1 共同創業者/取締役/プロデューサー、コマーシャルギャラリー「famAA」(ファマ)共同オーナー。武蔵野美術大学非常勤講師(2000~2010年)、専修大学非常勤講師(2006~2009年)、東北芸術工科大学准教授(2014〜2023年) 。

主な賞歴として、グッドデザイン賞(入賞,2022)、AMDアワード(ベストディレクター賞,2000)、山形エクセレントデザイン(コミュニティデザイン賞,2017、グランプリ,2021)、デザイングランプリTOHOKU(グランプリ,2011、奨励賞,2011)、TOKYO TDC(入選,2018)、SIGCHI(選出,2002)など。
